Steeliehead And His Magic Hands

Out on bail, after spending 7 days in jail, Steelie was back casting on VL. While doing his best not to talk about his upcoming Court case regarding the alleged incident with Loveleigh, he still does what he does best 🙂



I genuinely think he believes the lies now, because there is none of the usual subconscious tell tale signs of your typical person knowingly lying. There must be something in the air in Canada that makes you believe your own lies. Adambro and Steelie are the epitome of such.







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One Thought to “Steeliehead And His Magic Hands”

  1. Mister Geppetto

    Ohhhhh yes you did say that. Thats the thing when you cast if you say it then deny it, someone will have it recorded somewhere.

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